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Introduction to REST

This section provides an overview of REST and the considerations for APIs:


REST stands for REpresentation State Transfer.

Finastra’s technical strategy is to adopt a REST(ful) architectural style by publishing Open APIs that use HTTP for communication to access or update resources, such as accounts, loans, deposits etc.

REST APIs allow API consumers to execute a predefined set of stateless operations on resources e.g. create, read, update or delete (CRUD) an account

The following six guidelines (constraints) are used to define a RESTful system:

  • Uniform Interface - based on resources
  • Client–Server architecture
  • Stateless
  • Layered
  • Cacheable
  • Code on Demand (optional)

REST is an architectural style for providing interoperability between systems but REST is not a definitive standard hence this document provides standards related to REST Open APIs.

REST Resources

The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource - Roy Fielding.

Any information that can be named can be a resource, for example:

  • a document
  • an image
  • a bank account
  • a collection of other resources
  • a non-virtual object e.g. a person
  • etc.

REST resources should reflect the relevant business domain and should have unchanging identifiers (keys).

APIs define resources aligned with the Banking business domain e.g. currencies, accounts etc.


This section provides an overview of the main components of REST APIs:

  • HTTP Transport
  • HTTP Methods
  • HTTP Headers

HTTP Transport

REST architecture supports the creation and maintenance of resources using HTTP and associated Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).

HTTP is a protocol used for communication and provides capabilities for transport versioning, content encoding, extensibility, upgradeability, and security.

One of the goals of RESTful architecture is to support the gradual deployment of changes within an already deployed architecture which is why REST and HTTP fit well together.

Transport Layer Security (TLS), formerly Secure Socket Layer (SSL), secures message communication over a computer network by encrypting the message contents. An HTTPS transfer or API call is an HTTP call over a connection secured by TLS.

The following rules apply:

Rule Identifier Description
RST-001 Open APIs use HTTP 1.1 (RFC7231) as a reference implementation
RST-002 Open APIs may use HTTP 2 (RFC7540)
SCM-002 Open APIs MUST use HTTPS and TLS i.e. RFC2660 and RFC2818 are enforced

HTTP Methods

This section details the HTTP methods used.

A key requirement for REST APIs is the use of a resource with appropriate HTTP verbs.

The HTTP verbs are defined in section 4.3 of RFC7231. and those relevant to Open API definition are shown in the table below.

Summary of HTTP Methods

The following table shows the HTTP methods and their expected actions on resources:

HTTP Methods Action
POST Creates a new resource
GET Reads existing resource(s) - does not change the state of the resource
PUT Updates a resource
PATCH Partially updates a resource (typically avoided)
DELETE Deletes a resource
HEAD Identical to GET, except that the server must not return a message body in the response
OPTIONS Allows the client to determine the options and/or requirements associated with a resource

APIs use the POST, GET, PUT and DELETE HTTP methods to maintain business domain resources.

The remainder of this section details each HTTP method with reference to the following associated characteristics which should be carefully considered when designing an API:

  • Request Payload: specifies whether a request payload is required
  • Successful response payload: specifies whether a response payload is required
  • Safe: specifies whether an operation is safe; a safe operation does not change a resource’s representation on the server e.g. GET is considered safe
  • Idempotent: specifies whether an operation is idempotent; an operation is idempotent if it can be called several times with the same outcome
  • Cacheable: specifies whether an operation is cacheable; cached data may be used as the response to the same subsequent request


RESTful APIs use the GET method to obtain data from a resource. GET is typically included in most APIs to retrieve resource data.


  • GET /customers/{id} returns the customer identified with {id}.
  • GET /customers returns a list of all customers.

The following rules apply:

Rule Identifier Description
RST-010 As per the examples, APIs SHOULD implement GET methods against both an individual resource and its collection
RST-011 GET methods against a collection SHOULD implement pagination and search capabilities


  • Request Payload: No
  • Successful Response Payload: Yes
  • Safe: Yes
  • Idempotent: Yes
  • Cacheable: Yes

Typical response status codes

  • 200 - OK - this is returned when the client call is successful
  • 400 - Bad Request - this is returned for both technical and functional errors that did not result in a successful response
  • 404 - Not Found - this is returned if the requested resource does not exist

Others characteristics of GET

  • can be cached
  • saved in the browser history
  • can be bookmarked
  • has length restrictions (usually 2K)
  • should be used only to retrieve data


The POST method is used to create new resources. Depending on the specific API context this can mean many things e.g. creating a resource, executing an action, submitting long running operations, adding an item to a list.

Rule Identifier Description
RST-020 MUST respond to POST requests with the identifier of new resources


POST /customers with {payload}


  • Request Payload: Yes
  • Successful response payload: Yes
  • Safe: No
  • Idempotent: No
  • POST requests are never cached

Typical response status code

  • 200 - OK - returned when the client call is successful - 201 is preferred when resources are created using POST
  • 201 - Created - this is returned when a resource is created, the created resource identifier is returned in the response payload. The resource data can optionally be returned in the response payload.
  • 400 - Bad Request - this is used for both technical and functional errors that did not result in a successful response
  • 409 - Conflict - this is returned when a request to create a resource is made and the resource already exists


The PUT method is used to replace the state of an existing resource with the new state provided in the request. It is a full replacement.


  • PUT /customers/123 + {payload} - this requests an update to the resource
  • PUT /customers/ + {payload} - this requests a bulk update
Rule Identifier Description
RST-030 Bulk requests SHOULD be avoided unless absolutely necessary; consider alternative designs


  • Request Payload: Yes
  • Successful response payload: No
  • Safe: No
  • Idempotent: Yes
  • Cacheable: No

Typical response status codes

  • 200 - OK - this MUST be returned when the client call is successful
  • 400 - Bad Request - this is used for both technical and functional errors that did not result in a successful response
  • 404 - Not Found - this is returned if the requested resource does not exist


PATCH is used to apply partial updates to a resource.

PATCH is different to PUT in that PUT is used to entirely replace a resource whereas PATCH is used to perform a partial update to a resource.

In many scenarios PATCH may look to be a good option e.g. to update a single field in a large payload, however, be aware that:

  • PATCH is not idempotent, unlike PUT
  • PATCH requires a description in the requested payload of how an update should take place
Rule Identifier Description
RST-040 PATCH SHOULD be avoided as far as possible

The payload of a PATCH request describes the updates in a declarative manner and the following RFC documents describe different PATCH request formats:

  • RFC 7396 (JSON Merge Patch)[]
  • RFC 6902 (JSON Patch)[]

JSON Merge Patch - RFC 7396

The example in the RFC document states that given the following resource document:

	"a": "b",
	"c": {
		"d": "e",
		"f": "g"

Then if the following PATCH request is received:

	"c": {
		"f": null

Then this will change the value of “a” to “z” and will delete the “f” key.

JSON Merge Patch is intuitive since the payloads of the resource and the PATCH requests are similar, however, there are drawbacks to the simplicity of this approach:

  • array elements cannot be modified individually, rather, the entire array is replaced
  • the PATCH request payload does not have a corresponding schema that can be validated against, so malformed requests will not be rejected
Rule Identifier Description
RST-050 SHOULD use JSON Merge Patch for PATCH requests

JSON Patch - RFC 6902

The JSON Patch request payload format is more complex than the JSON Merge Patch format and contains a set of instructions describing how to update a resource payload. The following example taken from the RFC document shows a set of operations (“op”) requested for application against a specific path (“path”) in the JSON resource payload:

     { "op": "remove", "path": "/a/b/c" },
     { "op": "add", "path": "/a/b/c", "value": [ "foo", "bar" ] },
     { "op": "replace", "path": "/a/b/c", "value": 42 },
     { "op": "move", "from": "/a/b/c", "path": "/a/b/d" },
     { "op": "copy", "from": "/a/b/d", "path": "/a/b/e" }
Rule Identifier Description
RST-060 MAY use JSON Merge Patch for PATCH requests


  • Request Payload: Yes
  • Successful response payload: Yes
  • Safe: No
  • Idempotent: No
  • Cacheable: No

Typical response status codes

  • 200 - OK - this MUST be returned when the client call is successful
  • 400 - Bad Request - this is used for both technical and functional errors that did not result in a successful response
  • 404 - Not Found - this is returned if the requested resource does not exist


The DELETE method is used to remove a resource. Depending on the context of the resource this can have different meanings e.g.:

  • remove the resource
  • flag a resource for deletion
  • remove an item from a list
  • cancel a long running operation
  • etc.


DELETE /customers/123467


  • Request Payload: No - typically
  • Successful response Payload: No
  • Safe: No
  • Idempotent: Yes
  • Cacheable: No

When N DELETE requests are invoked for the same resource, the first request deletes the resource and the response is 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content). The subsequent N-1 requests return 404 (Not Found), hence, the N responses differ which might be seen as non-idempotent, however, because there is no change of state for any resource on the server side and because the original resource is deleted by the first request, then DELETE can be deemed to be idempotent.

Typical response status code

  • 200 - OK - this MUST be returned when the client call is successful and content is returned.
  • 202 - Accepted - this MUST be returned when the client is successful and the deletion request is queued.
  • 204 - No content - this MAY be used when there is no resource to delete
  • 400 - Bad Request - this is returned for both technical and functional errors that did not result in a successful response
  • 404 - Not Found - this is returned if the requested resource does not exist.

The HEAD method may be used to retrieve headers which describe a resource or resource collection. The response contains only the headers, it does not contain resource information. An example of the usage of a HEAD request is to inform on the size of a resource before download.


  • Request Payload: No
  • Successful response Payload: No
  • Safe: Yes
  • Idempotent: Yes
  • Cacheable: Yes


The OPTIONS method may be used to query the resource service to obtain a list of the allowed HTTP communication options. This method may be used to discover which HTTP operations are supported by an API.


  • Request Payload: No
  • Successful response Payload: Yes
  • Safe: Yes
  • Idempotent: Yes
  • Cacheable: No

Other Actions

Actions are business capabilities that do not directly map to an existing HTTP method.

These may be anything from a simple stateless function, without a resource representation, to complex workflows which interact with multiple resources, for example: POST /accounts/{id}/activate.

HTTP Methods Standards

The following API standards apply to HTTP methods:

Rule Identifier Description
PTH-010 MUST use one of the standard GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS methods against a resource
PTH-010 MAY use HEAD method against an API
RST-071 MUST fully consider relevant and necessary resources when using HTTP methods
RST-072 MUST NOT use POST if GET can be used
RST-073 MUST handle a single resource {id} in the path
RST-074 SHOULD NOT use verbs within paths
e.g. POST /resources/{resourceId} {"status" : "active"}
rather than POST /resources/{resourceId}/activate
RST-075 SHOULD avoid resource-based actions where possible by using a relevant resource e.g. use POST accounts/{id} with a payload of { status : closed }
RST-076 SHOULD NOT use constructs such as GET /accounts?id=12 except for filtering - prefer GET /accounts/12 for retrieval of a single resource
RST-077 SHOULD ensure API operations on resources are complete in their CRUD scope
RST-078 SHOULD ensure that non RESTful actions are avoided
RST-079 MAY use HEAD and OPTIONS methods

HTTP Headers

This section provides details on the standard and custom HTTP headers

HTTP headers is a form of HTTP parameters, they should carry only technical information. They are not supposed to be logged. HTTP header can be found in the request or in the response.

HTTP headers can be declared as below

      summary: create a new payment 
        - 'Idempotency-Key' : 
            name: Idempotency-Key
            in: header
            description: Idempotency key should be unique within a 24 hours sliding window. [...]
            type: string
            maxLength: 256
            required: true

The preferred way is to defines them into the dedicated section of the Open API specification. This brings a better consistency, reusability ,and reduce maintenance cost. This applies for OAS2 and OAS3.

paths: /payments/ post: summary: create a new payment parameters: - $ref: ‘#/components/parameters/Idempotency-Key’

parameters: Idempotency-Key: name: Idempotency-Key in: header description: Idempotency key should be unique within a 24 hours sliding window. […] type: string maxLength: 256 required: true

The same rules apply as well for query parameters.

Standard HTTP Headers

Header Description
Content-Type Represents the format of the payload returned in the response.
Content-type MUST be application/json, as a content header in response to requests that return a HTTP body i.e. all POST and GET requests.
Accept Represents the format of the payload as input.
Accept SHOULD be application/json.
Accept-Language Represents the language and locale that a client can understand.
Authorization Allows Credentials to be provided to the Authorization / Resource Server depending on the type of resource being requested.
For OAuth 2.0 / OIDC, this comprises of either the Basic / Bearer Authentication Schemes. Bearer token MUST follow the RFC6570.
Content-Language Represents the language and locale that are returned by a server.
ETag The value of this header is returned by GET methods and represents the state or version of the resource. It is used for Concurrency validation for resource updates - see the Concurrency section for further details.
If-Match The value of this header is passed by clients on PUT methods to allow the server to perform Concurrency validation. Its value is typically an ETag value obtained from a GET method - see the Concurrency section for further details.
Idempotency-Key The value of this header is passed by clients on POST methods to allow the server to perform Idempotency validation. Its value is typically an UUID - see the Idempotency section for further details.

APIs do not explicitly define Content-Type, Accept or Authorization as HTTP headers in the API contracts, as they are already defined by using the produce, consume, and security section of the Open API specification.

Custom HTTP Headers

Custom headers MAY be used to add extra functionality which is exposed via HTTP.

All custom header usage should be confirmed with the Finastra API team who will determine the name of the custom header based on RFC6648 recommendations regarding the use of X- prefix. It is anticipated that most of the Finastra API custom headers will be specific to Finastra and should be prefixed with X-. The prefix X-finastra should not be used.

Rules for HTTP Headers

The following HTTP headers may be used:

  • Accept-Language
  • Content-Language
  • ETag
  • Idempotency-Key
  • If-Match
  • X-External-Context-ID
  • X-Request-ID
  • X-Finastra-Provider

The following standards apply to HTTP headers:

Rule Identifier Description
RST-080 MAY use standard HTTP headers or custom HTTP headers
PEF-008 MAY use the following HTTP headers:
RST-081 SHOULD use Train-Case for HTTP custom header fields
RST-082 SHOULD: use ETag with If-Match Header for concurrency validation
RST-083 SHOULD use Idempotency-Key for POST requests
RST-084 MAY use X-Request-ID for tracking requests
RST-085 MAY use X-External-Context-ID to specify context associated with an API
RST-086 MAY define a content-type for GET requests even though the content type is not used ​- this is for compatibility with tooling
RST-087 MUST not prefix custom headers with X-Finastra

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